New Star Wars Series Has Viewers Wishing the Death Star Destroyed the Entire Galaxy

In a twist no one saw coming, Disney’s latest Star Wars series, “The Acolyte,” has left fans yearning for the sweet release of a Death Star explosion. The show, celebrated by some as the pinnacle of inclusivity, features a spectrum of diverse characters and plotlines that make even the most progressive droid short-circuit.

Plot Highlights:

  • Lesbian R2-D2: Because beeps and boops need representation too.
  • Intergalactic Pronoun Debate: The Force is strong with inclusivity, but weak with coherence.
  • Jedi Sensitivity Training: Because swinging a lightsaber recklessly is so pre-2024.

Viewer Reactions:

Fans are divided like the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire. Some are praising “The Acolyte” for its bold steps, while others feel like they’ve been trapped in a Sarlacc pit of political correctness.

“I came for the lightsabers and space battles,” said one disgruntled viewer, “not a lecture on interspecies marriage rights.”

The Future of the Galaxy:

As “The Acolyte” continues to air, only time will tell if the series will unite fans across the galaxy or lead to an uprising that even Emperor Palpatine couldn’t foresee. Until then, may the Woke be with you.

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