Thousands Flock to Reddit to Decide If They Enjoyed Film They Watched

Thousands of moviegoers are now turning to Reddit to determine their true feelings about films they just watched. Gone are the days of personal opinions and gut reactions; the internet hive mind has taken over.

“I walked out of the theatre thinking I had just watched a masterpiece,” said local film enthusiast Vaginia Flicks. “But after reading a few hundred comments on Reddit, I realised it was actually a cinematic disaster.”

This phenomenon, dubbed “Opinion Override Syndrome,” has spread like wildfire. Viewers, once confident in their own tastes, now find themselves questioning their initial reactions after a quick scroll through Reddit’s endless threads.

“I thought the plot was engaging and the characters well-developed,” said John Popcorn, another affected moviegoer. “Then I stumbled upon a subreddit that pointed out all the plot holes and shallow character arcs. Now I can’t unsee it.”

Psychologists are baffled by this new trend. “It’s fascinating,” said Dr. Film Buff, a specialist in media psychology. “People are outsourcing their opinions to strangers online. It’s as if they’ve lost the ability to think for themselves.”

Reddit, the epicentre of this trend, boasts numerous subreddits dedicated to dissecting every frame, line, and soundtrack of popular films. “It’s like a digital Coliseum where movies are either crowned or crucified,” commented one unwashed Reddit moderator from his Mum’s basement.

Meanwhile, filmmakers are finding it harder to gauge the success of their work. “One minute, we’re getting standing ovations,” said director Ima Hitmaker. “The next, our film is being shredded by internet critics who weren’t even born when the first Star Wars came out.”

Despite the confusion, some see the humour in the situation. “It’s like a game of emotional roulette,” joked a frequent Reddit user. “You never know if you’ll end up loving or hating a film by the time you close your browser.”

So, next time you walk out of a movie theatre with a smile, remember – the true verdict lies within the upvotes and downvotes of Reddit.

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