#SurpriseSurprise: Can You Guess Which Woman Supports Trump?

In an extraordinary display of contrast, Holly Valance, who recently hosted Nigel Farage and Donald Trump Jr. at her opulent London home, has become the latest poster girl for the age-old debate: Are Trump supporters inherently hotter?

Valance, seen dazzling in a high-fashion gown that screams “I brunch with billionaires,” was compared side-by-side with an anti-Trump activist who looked like she had just stepped off a picket line. The difference was so stark, even the most politically apathetic couldn’t help but notice.

“Honestly, it’s not even a contest,” commented one attendee at the exclusive fundraiser. “Holly’s glamour is like a beacon of conservative beauty, while the other… well, let’s just say she brings a certain ‘authenticity’ to the table.”

Social media quickly lit up with hashtags like #TrumpIsHot and #BeautyAndTheProtestor, sparking a viral debate that could only be matched by the latest celebrity gossip.

“It’s just science,” tweeted one enthusiast. “Trump supporters radiate confidence and style. The others… not so much.”

Meanwhile, the anti-Trump activist, who requested to remain nameless, shrugged off the comparisons. “Beauty is subjective,” she said, donning her eco-friendly protest gear. “And I’d rather be on the right side of history than a Vogue cover.”

As the fundraiser concluded with lavish applause and a few questionable dance moves, one thing was clear: in the battle of aesthetics, Trump supporters seem to be winning, one glamorous gown at a time.

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