Australians Support Peter Dutton’s Nuclear Plan if It Includes Nuking Melbourne

A recent poll has revealed that 104% of Australians are in favour of Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy plan, provided it includes a clause to nuke Melbourne. The unprecedented level of support is attributed to a widespread sentiment that obliterating Melbourne might finally end the city’s overpriced lattes, woke ideology, and excessive hipster culture. Dutton, who… Read More Australians Support Peter Dutton’s Nuclear Plan if It Includes Nuking Melbourne

Australia to Power New Nuclear Plants with Lefties Going Nuclear

In a groundbreaking move, the Australian government has announced plans to power its new nuclear plants using the raw, unbridled fury of left-wing activists. Touted as the greenest and most sustainable energy source available, left-wing outrage promises to provide a virtually infinite supply of power. “We’ve cracked the code,” declared Energy Minister Sheila Powerup. “Harnessing… Read More Australia to Power New Nuclear Plants with Lefties Going Nuclear