Presidential Debate Fallout Bolsters Media’s (Secret) Hopes for Trump Victory

As the fallout from the first Presidential debate continues, with media pundits and DNC insiders alike pressuring President Joe Biden to step aside, mainstream media outlets are reportedly more hopeful than ever of President Trump’s re-election in November. A journalist from one of the U.S’s leading media outlets has revealed to The Sydney Sentinel that… Read More Presidential Debate Fallout Bolsters Media’s (Secret) Hopes for Trump Victory

FBI raid on Joe Biden’s home Finds no files except Paedophiles

In a shocking twist during an FBI raid on President Joe Biden’s home, agents found no confidential files but instead discovered a basement teeming with unsavoury characters. The anticipated trove of top-secret documents was nowhere to be found, but the basement revealed a more disturbing cache: a collection of creepy individuals that left agents bewildered… Read More FBI raid on Joe Biden’s home Finds no files except Paedophiles

Global Ritalin Shortage as Joe Biden Prepares to Debate Donald Trump

Pharmacies across the globe are reporting a sudden and severe shortage of Ritalin. Sources close to the Biden administration confirm that the entire supply has been commandeered in a desperate bid to keep President Joe Biden alert and articulate during his upcoming debate with Donald Trump. Eyewitnesses claim to have seen White House aides frantically… Read More Global Ritalin Shortage as Joe Biden Prepares to Debate Donald Trump

Biden’s approval ratings drop to all-time low on Reddit 

US President Joe Biden’s approval ratings have dropped on Reddit to an all-time low of 98% after comments critical of the Biden administration on non-political Reddit threads fetched (on average) just 200 downvotes, a drop from the previous average of 300 downvotes + Reddit gold. Moderators have claimed this is a worrying sign for democracy… Read More Biden’s approval ratings drop to all-time low on Reddit